Saturday, June 19, 2004

Name one person/people who comes to mind in each

1. Always make you laugh.
--> xiaoting
2. Always make you angry.
--> my brother
3. Always makes fun of you
--> xiaoting
4. Always be there for you
--> Jesus!yvonne tang+hopies
5. Always buy present for you
--> no one in mind specifically but soph & dehui always write cards to me:)
6. Always hangout with you
--> soph,luan,xt,dehui,rach fong,lirong,yvonne,shue li,lin na, jess wee, sarah etc
7. Always smile at you
--> xt,soph,rach fong
8. Always pay for you
--> recently is faith.. hahas, usually i'm not tt broke..
9. Always drive you around
--> my dad n the bus driver, hahas
10. Always ask yOu homework question
--> xt
11. Always need your help
--> soph
12. Always make you wait
--> SOPH!!!nvm, i believe she's changing:)
13. Always sleep in class
--> xt
14. Always cannot make up his/her mind
--> soph, always want ppl scissors, paper, stone with her..o.O
15. Always late for class
--> in the morn is xt & soph, recess is xt, soph,luan, me & nana(natatsha)
16. Never take a bus/train/aeroplane
--> bus:hilary
17. Has messy hair
--> me...
18. Untidy
--> lots of ppl
19. Someone you love?
--> Jesus
20. Last but not the least... any idol?
--> Jesus:)